Frankie Starlight Movie Review 1995

Information and Film Reviews for Frankie Starlight the Movie

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Bernadette (Parillaud) leaves France after WWII, smuggled aboard an American troop ship. By the time the ship reaches Ireland, she's pregnant and gives birth to her dwarf son, Frankie, in Dublin. She's taken in by the family of customs officer Jack Kelly (Byrne), who instills in the boy a lifelong love of the stars. The adult Frankie (Walker) becomes a celebrity when he writes a novel combining his obsession with the cosmos and his mother's erotic history. Raymo adapts from his 1993 novel "The Dork of Cork." Great performances by both Pentony and Walker as the child and adult Frankies.


New Line Home Video, 116 N. Robertson Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90048, Phone: (310)854-5811, Fax: (310)854-1824, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS
Running time 100 minutes.
Originally from Irish.

Cast and Crew

Physical Problems, Dublin, Moms, Flashback
Chet Raymo, Ronan O'Leary
Corban Walker, Alan Pentony, Gabriel Byrne, Anne Parillaud, Matt Dillon, Georgina Cates, Darbnia Molloy, Niall Toibin, Rudi Davies
Paul Laufer
Michael Lindsay-Hogg
Elmer Bernstein
Noel Pearson, Fine Line Features

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