Mute Witness Movie Review 1995

Information and Film Reviews for Mute Witness the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Low-budget British thriller, lensed in Moscow film studio, about U.S. filmers making a cheap thriller in Moscow film studio. Billy (Sudina) is the mute make-up artist of the title who, returning to the studio for a forgotten item, witnesses some of the crew shooting a snuff film with a real-life stabbing. First-timer Waller mocks both thriller genre and film biz, sometimes relying on, rather than spoofing, cliched elements. Highlight is 20-minute long chase scene with the killers pursuing Billy in the cavernous studio. Guinness makes a surprise appearance in a cameo.


Sony Pictures Home Video, Sony Pictures Plz., 10202 W. Washington Blvd., Culver City, CA 90232, Phone: (310)244-7306, Fax: (310)280-2485, URL:, Remarks: Formerly Columbia Tristar Home Entertainment

Available on VHS
Running time 100 minutes.
Originally from British.

Cast and Crew

Mystery & Suspense, Physical Problems, Filmmaking, Russia/USSR, Moscow, Trapped with a Killer!
Anthony Waller
Marina Sudina, Fay Ripley, Evan Richards, Oleg (Yankovsky) Jankowsky, Igor Volkow, Sergei Karlenkov
Egon Werdin
Anthony Waller
Wilbert Hirsch
Alec Guinness
Alexander Buchman, Norbert Soentgen, Anthony Waller, Richard Claus, Sony Pictures Classics

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