The Hound of London Movie Review 1993

Information and Film Reviews for The Hound of London the Movie

Staff rating

Visitor rating
4.0 from 0 reviews

Inspector Lestrade brings Sherlock Holmes (Macnee) his latest case, a double murder that has taken place at the Strand Theatre. And among the suspects is the only woman Holmes has ever admired, the lovely Irene Adler. Eccentric characters, a sword duel, backstage mischief, and Holmes and Watson together once more. Based on the play by Craig Bowlsby.


Intrepid Productions Inc., 203 - 2130 W. 3rd Ave., Vancouver, BC V6K 1L1 Canada, Phone: (604)737-0530

Available on VHS
Running time 72 minutes.
Originally from Canadian.

Cast and Crew

Mystery & Suspense, Sherlock Holmes, Adapted from a Play
Craig Bowlsby
Patrick Macnee, John Scott-Paget, Colin Skinner, Jack McCreath, Carolyn Wilkinson, Sophia Thornley, Drew Kemp, Ned Lemley, Craig Bowlsby
Gil Letourneau, Peter Reynolds-Long
Craig Bowlsby, Intrepid Productions Inc.

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