Squanto: A Warrior's Tale Movie Review 1994

Information and Film Reviews for Squanto: A Warrior's Tale the Movie

Staff rating

Visitor rating
4.0 4.0 from 1 reviews

Family adventure fare about 17th-century Massachusetts brave Squanto (Beach), who's captured by English traders and taken to Plymouth, England for display as a "savage." He manages to escape, eventually hiding aboard a trading vessel bound for America, and on returning home even brings about a peace between fearful Pilgrims and a neighboring tribe (which culminates in the first Thanksgiving feast). It may be history lite but it's also a thoughtful, adventurous saga with good performances, and fine location filming in Nova Scotia and Cape Breton, Canada.


Walt Disney Home Video, 500 S. Buena Vista St., Burbank, CA 91521, Phone: (818)265-6500, URL: http://disney.store.go.com, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS
Running time 101 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Adventure Drama, Native America, Period Piece: 17th Century, Thanksgiving
Darlene Craviotto
Adam Beach, Mandy Patinkin, Michael Gambon, Nathaniel Parker, Eric Schweig, Donal Donnelly, Stuart Pankin, Alex Norton, Irene Bedard
Xavier Koller
Joel McNeely
Kathryn Galan, Don Carmody, Buena Vista, Walt Disney Pictures

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