Imaginary Crimes Movie Review 1994

Information and Film Reviews for Imaginary Crimes the Movie

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Ray Weiler (Keitel) is a well-meaning salesman with dreams much bigger than his reach. After the death of his wife (Lynch), Ray tries to raise his two daughters, Sonya (Balk) and Greta (Moss). But gifted high school senior (in 1962) Sonya is resentful of being her sister's maternal anchor and having her father's schemes come to nothing even as she acknowledges how much Ray cares and how he wants to improve their lives. Remarkable performances by Keitel and Balk. From the novel by Sheila Ballantyne.


Warner Home Video, Inc., 5775 Linder Canyon Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91362, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 106 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Period Piece: 1960s, Dads, Teen Angst
Kristine Johnson, Davia Nelson
Harvey Keitel, Fairuza Balk, Kelly Lynch, Vincent D'Onofrio, Liz) Moss Elissabeth (Elisabeth Elizabeth, Diane Baker, Christopher Penn, Seymour Cassel, Annette O'Toole
John Campbell
Tony Drazan
Stephen Endelman
Elizabeth Kling
James G. Robinson, Ted Field, Robert W. Cort, Morgan Creek Productions, Warner Bros.

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