Ghostwriter, Vol. 2: Who Burned Mr. Brinker's Store Movie Review 1993

Information and Film Reviews for Ghostwriter, Vol. 2: Who Burned Mr. Brinker's Store the Movie

Visitor rating
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Four more neighborhood mysteries are solved by six kids and a helpful ghost. In "Who Burned Mr. Brinker's Store," Jamal is the prime suspect in the Brinker video store burning. Complete with teacher's guide.


GPN Educational Media, Box 80669, Lincoln, NE 68501-0669, Phone: (402)472-2007, Toll-free: 800-228-4630, Fax: (800)306-2330, URL:, Remarks: Formerly: Great Plains National.

Available on VHS
Running time 120 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Mystery & Suspense, Education, Vintage Television, Children, Fires
Children's Television Workshop

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