Tin Pan Alley Movie Review 1940

Information and Film Reviews for Tin Pan Alley the Movie

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Tin Pan Alley songwriters Oakie and Payne meet singing sisters Faye and Grable, who agree to plug their material. At first their music business thrives but when the women head off to sing in a hit London show, the business goes downhill. Since WWI has been declared, the boys enlist and wind up in England, where they get a second chance to see their gals. The first teaming of Faye and Payne, who would star together in three more films. Remade as "I'll Get By."


Fox Home Entertainment, PO Box 900, Beverly Hills, CA 90213, Phone: (310)369-3900, Toll-free: 888-223-4FOX, Fax: (310)369-5811, URL: http://www.foxmovies.com/index1.html, Remarks: Also known as Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment

Available on VHS
Running time 92 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Musicals, World War I
Robert Ellis, Helen Logan
Alice Faye, John Payne, Betty Grable, Jack Oakie, Allen Jenkins, Esther Ralston, John Loder, Elisha Cook, Fred Keating, Billy Gilbert
Leon Shamroy
Walter Lang
Alfred Newman
20th Century-Fox


Oscars 1940: Score.

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