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"A Walker in the Attic" finds the unemployed tenant of a large rooming house spying on his neighbors from the attic. Then one of the tenants is murdered. "A Psychological Test" is a battle of wits between a crafty student and a detective who's trying to prove he murdered a pawnbroker. "A Red Room" is where a group of men seek their inspiration but their newest member really catches their attention with his tales of the perfect crime. In Japanese with English subtitles. Part of the "Animated Classics of Japanese Literature" series.
Central Park Media/U.S. Manga Corps, 250 W. 57th St., Ste. 317, New York, NY 10107, Phone: (212)977-7456, Toll-free: 800-833-7456, Fax: (212)977-8709, Email:, URL:
Available on VHS
Running time 78 minutes.
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