Wrestling Ernest Hemingway Movie Review 1993

Information and Film Reviews for Wrestling Ernest Hemingway the Movie

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A shy barber and a rollicking sea captain, both 75 and retired, form an unlikely companionship in a Florida retirement mecca. Duvall is the persnickety introvert who quietly follows routine and Harris is the would-be ladies' man whose endless tall tales include having tangled with Papa Hemingway in his youth. They share walks in the park, little league baseball from the bleachers, and coffee klatches that reveal the emptiness of their lives. Director Haines' focus on the principals' emotional baggage considerably dampens the proceedings. Depression in the elderly may be a topic that is not quite ready to come out of Hollywood's closet.


Warner Home Video, Inc., 5775 Linder Canyon Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91362, URL: http://whv.warnerbros.com, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS
Running time 123 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Growing Older, Buddies
Steve Conrad
Robert Duvall, Richard Harris, Piper Laurie, Shirley MacLaine, Sandra Bullock
Lajos Koltai
Randa Haines
Michael Convertino
Todd Black, Joe Wizan, Warner Bros.

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