Sergeant Rutledge Movie Review 1960

Information and Film Reviews for Sergeant Rutledge the Movie

Staff rating

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The story of a court-martial, told in flashback, about a black cavalry officer on trial for rape and murder. A detailed look at overt and covert racism handled by master director Ford. It is always apparent Strode (as Rutledge) is a heroic, yet human, figure who refuses to be beaten down by circumstances. The courtroom setting is deliberately oppressive but does make the film somewhat static. Based on the novel "Captain Buffalo" by James Warner Bellah.


Warner Home Video, Inc., 5775 Linder Canyon Rd., Westlake Village, CA 91362, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS
Running time 112 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Military Westerns, Order in the Court, Period Piece: 19th Century, Flashback, African America, Military Crimes & Trials
Willis Goldbeck, James Warner Bellah
Woody Strode, Jeffrey Hunter, Constance Towers, Billie Burke, Juano Hernandez, Carleton Young, Charles Seel, Jan Styne, Mae Marsh
John Ford
Howard Jackson
Patrick Ford, Willis Goldbeck, Warner Bros.

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