Dinosaur! With Walter Cronkite Movie Review 19??

Information and Film Reviews for Dinosaur! With Walter Cronkite the Movie

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A four-part boxed set which traces the discovery of dinosaurs from the first archeological find to the latest breakthroughs. Includes animatronics, dramatic re-enactments, and visits to archeological sites. A companion book written by paleontologist David Norman is also available.


New Video Group, 902 Broadway, 9th Fl., New York, NY 10010, Phone: (212)206-8600, Toll-free: 800-314-8822, Fax: (212)206-9001, Email: customersupport@newvideo.com, URL: http://www.newvideo.com

Available on VHS
Running time 200 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Walter Cronkite
A&E (Arts & Entertainment) Network

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