The Beast with Five Fingers Movie Review 1946

Information and Film Reviews for The Beast with Five Fingers the Movie

Staff rating

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After a pianist mysteriously dies and leaves his fortune to his private nurse, the occupants of his villa are terrorized by a creature that turns out to be the pianist's hand which was severed by his personal secretary (Lorre). Lorre is also terrorized by hallucinations of the hand, and no matter what he does to stop it (nail it to a desk, throw it in the fire, etc.), nothing can keep the hand from carrying out its mission. A creepy thriller with inventive shots of the severed hand.


MGM Home Entertainment, 2500 Broadway, Santa Monica, CA 90404-6061, Phone: (310)449-3000, Fax: (310)449-3100, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS
Running time 88 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Revenge, Renegade Body Parts
Curt Siodmak
Robert Alda, Andrea King, Peter Lorre, Victor Francen, J. Carrol Naish, Charles Dingle
Robert Florey
Max Steiner
Warner Bros.

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