Jack the Ripper: 4 Tales of the Supernatural Movie Review 1958

Information and Film Reviews for Jack the Ripper: 4 Tales of the Supernatural the Movie

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A quartet of frightening stories hosted by and starring Karloff, originally from the short-lived TV series "The Veil." In "The Murder that Never Happened," no one believes a man witnessed a murder. A farm will go to an evil villain unless the hero can come up with a missing will in "Where There's a Will." "Jack the Ripper" is told from the viewpoint of the man who may be the killer.


Rhino Entertainment, 10635 Santa Monica Blvd., 2nd Fl., Los Angeles, CA 90025-8300, Phone: (310)474-4778, Email: drrhino@rhino.com, URL: http://www.rhino.com

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 70 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Vintage Television
Jimmy Sangster
Boris Karloff, Niall MacGinnis, Kay Stewart, Morris Ankrum, Harry Bartell, Clifford Evans, Robert E. (Bob) Griffin, Thomas B(rowne). Henry
David MacDonald

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