Moran of the Lady Letty Movie Review 1922

Information and Film Reviews for Moran of the Lady Letty the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Seaweed saga of Ramon Laredo (Valentino), a high society guy who's kidnapped aboard a pirate barge. When the salty dogs rescue/capture Moran (a theme ahead of its time?) from a ship fuming with burning coal, Ramon is smitten in a big way with the boyish girl and battles contagiously to prevent the pirates from selling her as a slave. Excellent fight scenes with much hotstepping over gangplanks and swinging from masts, with a 60-foot death dive from above. Little known Dalton was a celluloid fave in the 'teens and twenties, and Valentino is atypically cast as a man's man. The sheik himself is said not to have like this one because it undermined his image as a ladies' man.


Facets Multimedia, Inc., 1517 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614, Phone: (773)281-9075, Toll-free: 800-331-6197, Fax: (773)929-5437, Email:, URL:

Available on VHS
Running time 71 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Adventure Drama, Silent Films, Kidnapped!, Swashbucklers, Sail Away
Dorothy Dalton, Rudolph Valentino, Charles Brinley, Walter Long, Emil Jorgenson
George Melford
Famous Players Company, Famous Players Lasky Corporation, Paramount Pictures

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