Celeste Movie Review 1981

Information and Film Reviews for Celeste the Movie

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Adlon (who later made the offbeat comedy "Sugarbaby") directed this longish but finely detailed and beautifully photographed biographical look at French writer Marcel (Remembrance of Things Past) Proust. Based on the memoirs of Proust's housekeeper, Celeste Albaret, an uneducated farmgirl, portraying the woman's devoted relationship ('til death did them part) with the middle-aged, homosexual author. It does so with wit, poignancy, and insight, but is not entirely successful in its attempt to render Proust's verbal literary style into a visual medium. In German with English subtitles.


Facets Multimedia, Inc., 1517 W. Fullerton Ave., Chicago, IL 60614, Phone: (773)281-9075, Toll-free: 800-331-6197, Fax: (773)929-5437, Email: sales@facets.org, URL: http://www.facets.org

Available on VHS
Running time 107 minutes.
Originally from German.

Cast and Crew

Writers, Adapted from Memoirs or Diaries, Biopics: Writers
Percy Adlon
Eva Mattes, Jurgen Arndt, Norbert Wartha, Wolf Euba
Jurgen Martin
Percy Adlon
Cesar Franck

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