SnakeEater 2: The Drug Buster Movie Review 1989

Information and Film Reviews for SnakeEater 2: The Drug Buster the Movie

Staff rating

Visitor rating
4.0 from 0 reviews

A cop goes nuts and kills four drug dealers. As a result he is committed to an institution. Iron bars don't make a prison for this guy though, and he's soon back on the streets fighting crime with his pal "Speedboat." Silly sequel is quite bad; followed by yet another.


Paramount Home Video, 5555 Melrose Ave., 5555 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038, Phone: (323)956-5000, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS
Running time 93 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Loner Cops, Vigilantes
Lorenzo Lamas, Larry B. Scott, Michelle Scarabelli, Harvey Atkin, Jack Blum, Kathleen Kinmont
George Erschbamer
John Dunning, Cinepix, Paramount Pictures

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