The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher Movie Review 1979

Information and Film Reviews for The Hollywood Strangler Meets the Skid Row Slasher the Movie

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Voiced-over narration, canned music, and an unfathomable plot are but a few of this would-be fright fest's finer points. Uninhibited by any narrative connection, two terrors strike fear in the heart of Tinseltown. While a psycho photographer cruises L.A. taking pictures of models he subsequently strangles, a woman working in a bare-bums magazine store takes a stab (with a knife) at lowering the city's derelict population. There's a word for this sort of dribble, and it isn't versimilitude. Steckler used an alias (not surprisingly) for this one--Wolfgang Schmidt.


Movies Unlimited, 3015 Darnell Rd., Philadelphia, PA 19154, Phone: (215)637-4444, Toll-free: 800-668-4344, Fax: (215)637-2350, Email:, URL:

Available on VHS
Running time 72 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Exploitation, Extraordinary Pairings, Woofs!
Pierre Agostino, Carolyn Brandt, Forrest Duke, Chuck Alford
Ray Dennis Steckler, Ray Dennis Steckler
Ray Steckler Productions

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