Days of Thunder Movie Review 1990

Information and Film Reviews for Days of Thunder the Movie

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"Top Gun" in race cars! Cruise follows the same formula he has followed for several years now (with the notable exception of "Born on the Fourth of July.") Cruise and Towne co-wrote the screenplay concerning a young kid bursting with talent and raw energy who must learn to deal with his mentor, his girlfriend, and eventually the bad guy. First film that featured cameras that were actually on the race cars. If you like Cruise or race cars then this is the movie for you.


Paramount Home Video, 5555 Melrose Ave., 5555 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90038, Phone: (323)956-5000, URL:, Remarks: Does not handle retail queries from consumers; contact your local video distributor.

Available on VHS, DVD
Running time 108 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Adventure Drama, Checkered Flag, Sports Dramas, Producers: Bruckheimer/Simpson
Tom Cruise, Robert Towne
Tom Cruise, Robert Duvall, Randy Quaid, Nicole Kidman, Cary Elwes, Michael Rooker, Fred Dalton Thompson, John C. Reilly
Ward Russell
Tony Scott
Hans Zimmer
Paramount Pictures, Jerry Bruckheimer, Don Simpson

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