House of Dark Shadows Movie Review 1970

Information and Film Reviews for House of Dark Shadows the Movie

Staff rating

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4.0 from 0 reviews

Gory, intense feature-film version of the gothic TV daytime soap "Dark Shadows." Released from his coffin by a handyman seeking treasure, 150-year-old vampire Barnabas Collins (Frid) avails himself of the hospitality of his descendents and moves into a house on their property. As a series of vampire attacks plague the area, Barnabas finds himself involved with a love-smitten doctor who wants to cure him (Hall) and a young girl who resembles his lost love, Josette (Scott). A violent and exciting film, long on shocks but short on continuity and character development.


Fusion Video, 100 Fusion Way, Country Club Hills, IL 60478, URL:

Available on VHS
Running time 97 minutes.

Cast and Crew

Classic Horror, Vampires, Special FX Wizards: Dick Smith
Sam Hall, Gordon Russell
Jonathan Frid, Joan Bennett, Grayson Hall, Kathryn Leigh Scott, Roger Davis, Nancy Barrett, John Karlen, Thayer David, Louis Edmonds
Arthur Ornitz
Dan Curtis

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