Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet Movie Review
In the year 2020, an expedition to Venus is forced to deal with dinosaurs and other perils. This was the first of two hatchet-job remakes of the Russian sf film Planeta Burg (the second was Peter Bogdanovich's 1968 Voyage to the Planet of the Prehistoric Women). For this go-round, executive producer Roger Corman edited in some new scenes featuring Basil Rathbone (best known for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes) and Faith Domergue, as well as a few from his own Queen of Blood, which coincidentally also starred Rathbone and also was based on an acquired Russian sf film. AKA: Voyage to a Prehistoric Planet.
1965 80m/C Basil Rathbone, Faith Domergue, Marc Shannon, Christopher Brand; D: John Sebastian. VHS NOS, SNC