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Time Bandits Movie Review

Director Terry Gilliam's first non-Monty Python film still features several Python alumni. Mad dwarves, being pursued by the Supreme Being (Ralph Richardson), lead a young boy (Craig Warnock) on a journey through time and space with the likes of Robin Hood (John Cleese), Napoleon (Ian Holm), King Agamemnon (Sean Connery), and other time-warp pals. David Warner is a natural Evil Incarnate. As in Gilliam's later film, The Adventures of Baron Munchausen, a lot of this film plays like a cartoon, as reality shatters into one dream-world after another. A fantasy epic, funny and imaginative.

1981 (PG) 110m/C GB John Cleese, Sean Connery, Shelley Duvall, Katherine Helmond, Ian Holm, Michael Palin, Ralph Richardson, Kenny Baker, Peter Vaughan, Craig Warnock, David Warner; D: Terry Gilliam; W: Terry Gilliam, Michael Palin. VHS, Beta, LV PAR

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