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Test Tube Teens from the Year (2000) Movie Review

This is a throwback to the mid-'60s. The opening titles, presented over the silhouette of a naked dancing woman, could have come straight from that era. The fast-forwardable plot concerns the title characters’ efforts to go back in time and stop Camella Swales (Morgan Fairchild) from banning conventional reproduction. Production designers took their cue from the deliberately cheesy sets and props used on television's Mystery Science Theater 3000. Don't miss the apple corer that's glued to the front of the time machine and the white “boots” made of cardboard sleeves over tennis shoes. This, folks, is what low-budget video is all about. AKA: Virgin Hunters.

1993 (R) 74m/C Morgan Fairchild, Ian Abercrombie, Brian Bremer, Christopher Wolf, Michelle Matheson, Sara Suzanne Brown, Don Dowe; D: Ellen Cabot; W: Kenneth J. Hall; M: Reg Powell. VHS, Beta, LV PAR

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