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RoboCop 3 Movie Review

The third RoboCop flick sat on the studio shelf before belated release in 1993. In a break in continuity, RoboCop's new Japanese owners plan to build an ultra-modern city in place of the decrepit 21st-century Detroit, but first must evict thousands of residents. The rebel cyborg (now played by Robert Burke) joins with common citizen to protect their homes, befriending a tiny waif/computer hacker for maximum kid appeal. There's an agile robot Ninja warrior to do battle with the surprisingly slow-moving hero, an apt metaphor of new models from Tokyo replacing America's lumbering gas-guzzlers, but the plot and action sequences are cheap-looking and rehashed. Watch the opening, at least, for a guest cameo by the well-remembered ED-209.

1991 (PG-13) 104m/C Robert Burke, Nancy Allen, John Castle, CCH Pounder, Bruce Locke, Rip Torn, Remi Ryan, Felton Perry; D: Fred Dekker; W: Fred Dekker, Frank Miller; M: Basil Poledouris. VHS, LV ORI

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