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Project Shadowchaser (3000) Movie Review

Derelict craft suddenly collides with a Mars-orbiting space station, forcing the crew of overacting idiots to contend with a visitor, an evil, shape-changing, deformed robot. No real connection to earlier Project Shadowchaser pics except for the same ripoff-happy production team, here so intent on aping Alien that they appear to have scrounged the original Nostromo space helmets. Watch with the sound turned off and you'll enjoy some cool f/x untroubled by the semicoherent plot and dimwit dialogue. Inclusion of a nauseatingly cute little dog, obviously meant to curry favor with the Hound, almost cost this loser its one bone.

1995 (R) 99m/C Frank Zagarino, Sam Bottoms, Christopher Atkins, Musetta Vander, Christopher Neame; D: John Eyres; W: Nick Davis; M: Steve Edwards. VHS, LV TTC, NLC

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