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Prayer of the Rollerboys Movie Review

Violent, futuristic, funky action as Corey Haim infiltrates a criminal militia of syncopated roller-blading neo-Nazi youth (references to The Turner Diaries abound) with plans for nationwide domination via narco-terrorism. Though routinely plotted and predictable, it's got great skating stunts and a wry vision of tomorrow's shattered USA – broke, drug-soaked, homeless, foreign owned; even sharper when you realize this is a Japanese-American co-production.

1991 (R) 94m/C JP Corey Haim, Patricia Arquette, Christopher Collet, Julius W. Harris, J.C. Quinn, Jake Dengel, Devin Clark, Mark Pellegrino, Morgan Weisser; D: Rick King; W: W. Peter Iliff; C: Phedon Papamichael. VHS, LV ACA

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