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The Phantom Creeps Movie Review

Evil Dr. Zorka (Bela Lugosi), armed with a meteorite chunk which can bring an army to a standstill, provides the impetus for this enjoyable serial in 12 episodes. Lugosi also employs an invisibility belt in his evil schemes, as well as what is possibly the strangest looking robot in cinema history. Though standard serial plotting tries to keep things from rising above mediocrity, Lugosi's spirited performance and a series of weird plot twists keep this one humming along.

1939 235m/B Bela Lugosi, Dorothy Arnold, Robert Kent, Regis Toomey, Roy Barcroft, Edward Van Sloan; D: Ford Beebe, Saul Goodkind; W: George Plympton, Basil Dickey, Mildred Barish; C: Jerome Ash, William Sickner. VHS, Beta NOS, SNC, VCN

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