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Mindwarp Movie Review

When Judy (Marta Alicia) rebels against the Sysop and goes offline from the “The Happiness System” (brought to us by Infinisynth), she actually uses the line “There's no place like home” when she teams up with Stover (Bruce Campbell) to battle the mutant monsters (who all look like the Toxic Avenger but with a lot less imagination) of the outside world. Campbell plays the straight hero he consistently spoofs in all of his better parts (Thou Shalt Not Kill…Except, Army of Darkness, Evil Dead 1 & 2); it's hard to watch him try to be serious—the Hound hoped for some tongue-in-cheek mugging for the camera that makes the man o’ one brow one of the Hound's faves. Not to be confused with 1972's Mind Warp.

1991 (R) 91m/C Marta Alicia, Bruce Campbell, Angus Scrimm, Elizabeth Kent, Mary Becker, Wendy Sandow, Gene McGarr; D: Steve Barnett; W: Henry Dominick; C: Peter Fernberger; M: Mark Governor. VHS, LV COL

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