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Hologram Man Movie Review

Unapologetic rip-off of Stallone/Snipes’ Demolition Man is almost as much guilty fun. California becomes a warzone where the corporate bosses at Cal Corp. aren't much better than the gangs. Thug Evan Lurie (who also co-wrote and -produced) is sentenced to “hologramatic reprogramming,” i.e., they separate his personality from his physical body. But his henchman William Sanderson (the veteran sf B-movie character actor who specializes in henchmen) hot wires the computer. Lurie is reborn as an indestructible electronic “virtual” villain. Actually, he looks like a grainy late-'50s color TV broadcast, but that's O.K.

1995 (R) 96m/C Joe Lara, Evan Lurie, William Sanderson, Tiny Lister, Michael Nouri, John Amos; D: Richard Pepin; W: Evan Lurie; M: John Gonzalez. VHS, LV PMH

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