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Hercules Movie Review

The one that started it all. This Italian-import prototype sword-and-sandaleer features Steve Reeves as the mythical strongman who encounters love, bad guys, monsters, and of course the Labors of Hercules, in this retelling of the story of “Jason and the Golden Fleece.” Fine cinematography by Mario Bava helped make this a far bigger hit than expected, and encouraged an onslaught of spaghetti-adventures to be shipped to the U.S. AKA: La Tatiche de Ercole.

1958 107m/C IT Steve Reeves, Sylva Koscina, Fabrizio Mioni, Gianna Maria Canale, Arturo Dominici; D: Pietro Francisci. VHS, Beta, LV MRV, IME, VDM

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