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Gamera Vs. Zigra Movie Review

Gamera the flying turtle visits Sea World to battle a cheap, shoddy-looking monster and hand out some cheap morality. The alien Zigrans come to Earth to wrest the planet from the hands of the polluting humans who have nearly destroyed it. The alien monster Zigra nearly kills the staunch turtle, but some of his human friends revive him that he may defend Earth once more. Not nearly as much fun as previous entries in this crazy series, as the producers increasingly padded out running time with stock footage from the earlier films. Probably the only novelty is that Zigra can talk. Though this one's incredibly bad, the following entry, Gamera, Super Monster, is even worse, remarkable only for killing off the heroic monster until the 1995 reworking of the series, beginning with the surprisingly good Gamera, Guardian of the Universe. AKA: Gamera Tai Shinkai Kaiju Jigara; Gamera Vs. the Deep Sea Monster Zigra.

1971 91m/C JP Reiko Kasahara, Mikiko Tsubouchi, Koji Fujiyama, Arlene Zoellner, Gloria Zoellner, Isamu Saeki, Yasushi Sakagami; D: Noriaki Yuasa; W: Fumi Takahashi; C: Akira Uehara. VHS, Beta, LV JFK

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