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Galaxy of Terror Movie Review

Astronauts sent to rescue a stranded spaceship find themselves with a new mission: find the hidden alien leader in a mysterious pyramid (which contains a gauntlet of weird death traps) before they all get killed by vicious aliens. Big first: Erin Moran (Joanie on Happy Days) explodes. The entertaining cast also includes Sid Haig (Spider Baby). Inferior Corman-produced Alien imitation still manages to shock and displays generous gore and nudity, and the low budget f/x are well done. Zalman King (Blue Sunshine) later became a producer/director and churned out loads of well photographed erotic nonsense such as Wild Orchid. Followed by Forbidden World. AKA: Mindwarp: An Infinity of Terror; Planet of Horrors.

1981 (R) 85m/C Erin Moran, Edward Albert, Ray Walston, Grace Zabriskie, Zalman King; D: B.D. Clark; W: Mark Siegler, B.D. Clark. VHS, Beta, LV SUE

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