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Frankenstein Movie Review

The definitive expressionistic Gothic horror classic that set the mold. Adapted from the Mary Shelley novel about Dr. Henry Frankenstein (Colin Clive), the mad scientist who creates life from the death. He accidentally installs a criminal brain, making for a terrifying, yet strangely sympathetic monster. Great performances by Clive as the ultimate mad doctor, and Boris Karloff as the creation, which made him a monster star. Several powerful scenes, excised from the original version, have been restored. Side two of the laserdisc version contains the original theatrical trailer, plus a collection of photos and scenes replayed for study purposes.

1931 71m/B Boris Karloff, Colin Clive, Mae Clarke, John Boles, Dwight Frye, Edward Van Sloan, Frederick Kerr, Lionel Belman; D: James Whale; W: Francis Edwards Faragoh, Garrett Fort, John Balderston, Robert Florey; M: David Broeckman. VHS, Beta, LV MCA, TLF, HMV

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