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Doctor X Movie Review

Something weird is going on at Dr. Xavier's research labs – and murder is the least of it. A classic horror oldie, famous for its very early use of two-color Technicolor, as well as the wonderful sets designed by director Michael Curtiz (Things to Come). Lee Tracy was an engaging personality in films of the time, but he grates on the nerves a bit here. Made a name for Lionel Atwill in horror films, not to mention some pre-Kong screams from Fay Wray. The who-done-it is easy to guess – but the how-done-it is a real mind blower.

1932 77m/C Lionel Atwill, Fay Wray, Lee Tracy, Preston Foster; D: Michael Curtiz. VHS, Beta, LV MGM, MLB

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - D