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Deep Red Movie Review

The clever opening toys with perceptions of scale, revealing that an incredible alien spaceship zooming to Earth is about the size of a splinter. When it lodges in the body of a little girl, her altered blood chemistry can confer immortality, indestructibility, shape-shifting, and other superpowers. Good guy Michael Biehn (The Terminator) has to protect the child from ruthless scientist John de Lancie and his goons. Made-for-cable TV movie soon turns into standard action despite the offbeat curtain-raiser.

1994 (R) 85m/C Michael Biehn, Joanna Pacula, John de Lancie; D: Craig R. Baxley; W: D. Brent Mote. VHS, LV MCA

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - D