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Captain America Movie Review

The Marvel Comics superhero got his own movie in time for his 50th anniversary, but this doesn't make the grade despite the wide-ranging plot. In 1941 a secret Axis serum turns polio-stricken Steve Rogers (Matt Salinger, actor son of author J.D. Salinger) into a super-strong superhero, but he's matched by the Nazis’ own superfascist, the Red Skull. Their battle leaves Captain America frozen in the Arctic for 40 years before he thaws to again confront his evil nemesis, now a typical gangster with a nuke. Though a fairly faithful transcription of the comic book's premise, what may have worked ages ago on paper now looks ridiculous. Low-budget production values – and clunky environmentalist themes – don't help. Kids may be amused; adults may note ruefully that this Captain America was made in Yugoslavia.

1989 (PG-13) 103m/C Matt Salinger, Scott Paulin, Ronny Cox, Ned Beatty, Darren McGavin, Melinda Dillon; D: Albert Pyun; W: Stephen Tolkin. VHS, LV COL

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