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A.P.E.X. Movie Review

Slowly paced shoot-'em-up is set in yet another desolate dystopian future. The plot has to do with time-traveling killer robots and serves mostly to show off visual effects that range from fair to good. The best are reminiscent of Predator and Robocop. True fans will note other similarities to Damnation Alley and Mad Max. The script doesn't follow through with all the tricky complications that the subject of time travel entails, and that's a shame because those details can raise so many interesting questions, and that's what the best science fiction is all about.

1994 (R) 103m/C Richard Keats, Mitchell Cox, Lisa Ann Russell, Marcus Aurelius, Adam Lawson; D: Phillip J. Roth; W: Phillip J. Roth, Ronald Schmidt; M: Jim Goodwin. VHS, LV REP

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - A