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A*P*E* Movie Review

Giant gorilla escapes from a boat, wrestles a rubber shark, faces toy tanks, and generally challenges anything that comes between him and the actress he loves. Allegedly filmed in 3-D; hence the stuff thrown and poked at the camera, but your attention will more likely be riveted to the seams and rips in the cheapo monkey suit. Speaking of suits, Dino De Laurentiis filed one when this stinker, filmed in South Korea, came out at the same time as his remake of King Kong to cash in on the free publicity. The leading lady, later known as Joanna Kerns, went on to a more respectable TV acting career. WOOF!

1976 (PG) 87m/C Rod Arrants, Joanna DeVarona, Alex Nicol; D: Paul Leder; W: Paul Leder. VHS, Beta NWV

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Movie Reviews - Featured FilmsSci-Fi Movies - A