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The Alien Factor Movie Review

Another low-budget crazed critter from outer space dispatch, this one featuring multiple aliens, one of whom is good, who have the misfortune of crashlanding near Baltimore. The grotesque extraterrestrials jolt a small town out of its sleepy state by wreaking havoc (except for the good one, of course). Decent special effects for a low-budget cheapie, the cast also doubled as the crew. The main focus shifts to the intellectual problem of trying to separate the good alien from his identical evil cronies. Executed with a genuine affection for the genre, this is a fine film for fans of both regional and amateur film making. Worth a view, even if you're not, just to see Baltimorian George Stover wrasslin’ with the alien.

1978 (PG) 82m/C Don Leifert, Tom Griffith, Mary Mertens, Dick Dyszel, George Stover; D: Donald M. Dohler. VHS, Beta NO

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