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Why Not! Movie Review

Coline Serreau made her vivid directorial debut with Why Not! The former actress explores the relationships of two men and a woman who live happily together in a house in the suburbs. This idyllic menage a trois is disrupted by the presence of a young girl who falls in love with one of the inhabitants, but doesn't know how to accept the living arrangements he obviously has no desire to change. In less capable directorial hands, Why Not! might be heavy going indeed, but Serreau's picture is blessed with delightful humor and a wonderfully daffy cast. Serreau also LIKES most of her characters, and this lends greatly to her film's overall appeal. In the 1980s, Serreau ignited a cottage industry on both sides of the Atlantic with the domestic comedy, Three Men and a Cradle. (An American re-make and a sequel followed.) Her next project was Mama, There's a Man in Your Bed. AKA: Pourquoi Pas!.

1978 93m/C FR Sami Frey, Christine Murillo, Mario Gonzales, Michel Aumont, Nicole Jamet, Mathe Souverbie; D: Coline Serreau; W: Coline Serreau; C: Jean-Francois Robin.

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