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The Unbelievable Truth Movie Review

This may be one of the best movies ever made on an 11-day shooting schedule; I rarely stopped laughing at the onscreen antics which is not to say that it will have that effect on everyone. What is Robert (Robocop 3) Burke doing back in town after serving hard time? Everyone wants to solve this strange enigma, but the wonderfully appealing Adrienne Shelly finds out. (Her dad thinks she should go to school, even though she really doesn't see the point since the world is going to end, after all.) After enlivening several other indies, Shelly later wrote, directed, and starred in her own indie, 1996's Sudden Manhattan. Julia McNeal later battled The Refrigerator, an underrated 1993 chiller. Hal Hartley went on to make Surviving Desire, Trust (with Shelly), Simple Men (with Mark Bailey), Amateur, and Flirt.

1990 (R) 100m/C Adrienne Shelly, Robert John Burke, Christopher Cooke, Julia Mueller, Julia McNeal, Mark Bailey, Gary Sauer, Kathrine Mayfield; D: Hal Hartley; W: Hal Hartley; C: Michael Spiller; M: Jim Coleman. VHS, LV

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