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Spirit of the Beehive Movie Review

Little Ana Torrent has a wistful, appealing quality, with sinister undertones. She and her sister are so enthralled by the Frankenstein movie that they begin to act it out in their own lives. Victor Erice directs in a tense, if leisurely style, and the cinematography, featuring extended dissolves, effectively captures Erice's haunting story of childhood. Torrent went on to star in 1976's Cria! for Carlos Saura, 1980's The Nest for Jaime De Arminian, and 1989's Blood and Sand for Javier Elorrieta. AKA: El Espiritu de la Colmena.

1973 95m/C SP Fernando Gomez, Teresa Gimpera, Ana Torrent, Isabel Telleria, Laly Soldevilla; D: Victor Erice; W: Victor Erice; C: Luis Cuadrado; M: Luis De Pablo. VHS, LV

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