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Slacker Movie Review

Slacker is the sort of movie that will either make you laugh hysterically or switch theatres when the manager isn't looking. It made me laugh hysterically. There is something about people talking to themselves (in a movie, NOT in real life) that gives me the giggles. I had to scrape myself off the floor after one windbag (Richard Linklater) droned on and on about alternate realities to a priceless taxi driver and another explained how the U.S. and Russia have already set up colonies on the moon. Even better, Slacker led directly to 1993's Dazed and Confused, one of my all-time favorite movies, and I've never quite been able to scrape myself off the floor after that one.

1991 (R) 97m/C Richard Linklater, Rudy Basquez, Jean Caffeine, Jan Hockey, Stephan Hockey, Mark James, Samuel Dietert; D: Richard Linklater; W: Richard Linklater; C: Lee Daniel. VHS

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