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Salut Victor! Movie Review

Salut Victor! was a wonderfully appealing opening night entry at 1989's San Francisco's Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. The plot revolves around two elderly men in a rather posh health care facility. Both are gay, but Philippe Lanctot (Jean-Louis Roux) is restrained and a bit of a prude, while Victor Laprade (Jacques Godin) is a flamboyant hedonist. Although the two men could not be less alike, they become friends and Philippe realizes that he is enjoying life for the first time in many years. A visit to Philippe's club/restaurant becomes an exciting adventure with the rambunctious Victor as company, and their plans to take a balloon ride together are as much fun as the ride itself would have been. Very well acted and directed. AKA: Bye Bye Victor.

1989 84m/C Jean-Louis Roux, Jacques Godin; D: Anne Claire Poirier; W: Marthe Blackburn; C: Michel Brault; M: Joel Vincent Bienvenue. VHS

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