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Rhythm Thief Movie Review

Simon (Jason Andrews) bootlegs dubs of New York's underground bands to sustain his grungy life. Musicians in the bands hate his guts. His one-time girl friend Marty (Eddie Daniels) turns up and disrupts his low-life existence with the information that she and Simon's mother were in a mental institution together. Simon spends some time with Marty in Far Rockaway, but then he returns to New York to bootleg once again. Good acting and writing shine through this rock-bottom indie, which deserves wider distribution at video outlets.

1994 88m/B Jason Andrews, Eddie Daniels, Kimberly Flynn, Kevin Corrigan, Sean Haggerty, Mark Alfred, Paul Rodriguez, Cynthia Sley; D: Matthew Harrison; W: Matthew Harrison, Christopher Grimm; C: Howard Krupa; M: Danny Brenner. Sundance Film Festival ‘95: Special Jury Prize; Nominations: Independent Spirit Awards ‘96: Debut Performance (Andrews). VHS

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