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Project A: Part 2 Movie Review

Jackie Chan came to America in 1987 as the honored guest of the San Francisco International Film Festival. At that time, despite the failure of 1985's The Protector, co-starring Danny Aiello, he was eager to be as big a star in the U.S. as he was in Hong Kong. It was not until 1996's Rumble in the Bronx that he finally broke into the American consciousness with a splash, and by then he was the biggest movie star in the world everywhere BUT in the U.S. In Project A: Part 2, stunts look like a snap, but don't try them at home! As he meticulously explained to the international press corp assembled at the festival, even Chan is vulnerable to an aching back, sore ankles, and a skull fracture. This action-packed spectacle is fast and funny, featuring an irresistible performance by Chan as Dragon Ma, an honest Hong Kong cop, circa 1900. There IS a Project A: Part 1, starring Samo Hung, but Project A: Part 2 is a self-contained story, and extremely entertaining for international audiences on its own unique terms.

1987 101m/C CH Jackie Chan, Maggie Cheung, Carina Lau, David Lam; D: Jackie Chan; W: Edward Tang, Jackie Chan. VHS

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