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Padre Padrone Movie Review

Padre Padrone is a very hard film that makes no compromises with its bleak story, which is based on the true experiences of Gavino Ledda, who wrote the book that inspired Paulo and Vittorio Taviani's screenplay. The Tavianis also directed this low-budget study of a young shepherd and the bitter relationship he endures with his cruel father, who shapes, but does not define his life. The son's adult solution to make his life his own is extraordinary, yet utterly convincing. AKA: Father Master; My Father, My Master.

1977 113m/C IT Omero Antonutti, Saverio Marconi, Marcella Michelangeli, Fabrizio Forte; D: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani; W: Paolo Taviani, Vittorio Taviani; C: Mario Masini; M: Egisto Macchi. Cannes Film Festival ‘77: Best Film. VHS, DVD

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