Once upon a Time in the East Movie Review
Canadian theatrical director Andre Brassard's little-known movie debut was one of the most enjoyable entries at 1974's San Francisco International Film Festival. Transvestites, an alcoholic, a hash slinger, a down-and-out singer, a troubled pregnant girl, and others share their lives and make the best of what they can get from their respective situations. The ending is a downer, as it drains the humor and energy out of the 100 minutes that went before it. Perhaps Brassard, who also scripted, didn't know how to wrap up this rich slice of life. (Great shot: The hash slinger shoves every object she can get her hands on into her restaurant's soup du jour, then storms out, resigning in full glory to every diner in the joint.) AKA: Il Etait une Fois dans l'Est.
1974 100m/C CA Denise Filatrault, Michele Rossignol, Frederique Colin, Sophie Clement, Andre Montmorency, Jean Archambault, Gilles Renaud, Manda Parent, Claude Gai, Rita Fontaine, Beatrice Picard, Amulette Garneau, Denis Drouin; D: Andre Brassard; W: Andre Brassard, Michel Tremblay; C: Attila Dory.