Men in Love Movie Review
Men in Love is reportedly the first feature film to be shot on BETA-SP and digitally mastered on D1-component before being transferred to 35mm. Producer/actor Scott Catamas believes that his $350,000 movie looks like it was shot on a budget of $2 million. A cast of inexperienced, mostly nonprofessional actors do their best with a sentimental and self-conscious story about safe sex in the era of AIDS. Long shots and action sequences instantly reveal the picture's video origins, despite Fawn Yacker's expert camera work. Men in Love, directed by Marc Huestis, rates an “A” for its intentions but barely squeaks by with a “C” for the results.
1990 93m/C Doug Self, Joe Tolbe, Emerald Starr, Kutira Decosterd, Scott Catamas; D: Marc Huestis; W: Emerald Starr, Scott Catamas; C: Fawn Yacker. VHS