L'Amour en Herbe Movie Review
L'Amour en Herbe is wonderfully written and directed by Roger Andrieux. Andrieux coaxes terrific performances out of an inexperienced cast, including Pascal Meynier and Guilhaine Dubos as Marc and Martine, a 16-year-old boy and 17-year-old girl who fall in love. The simple love story emphasizes the more complicated background against which it develops: are love-struck children the only ones who never make concessions to life? In one disturbing sequence, Andrieux focuses on a personal/professional conflict faced by Marc's adored older brother (Bruno Raffaelli). The choice he makes stuns and disillusions Marc, a reality that changes forever the lives of the innocent young lovers. Andrieux next directed 1980's La Petite Sirene/The Little Mermaid. AKA: Budding Love; Tender Love.
1977 100m/C FR Pascal Meynier, Guilhaine Dubos, Michel Galabru, Francoise Prevost, Alix Mahieux; D: Roger Andrieux; W: Roger Andrieux, Jean-Marie Benard; C: Ramon Suarez; M: Maxime Le Forestier. VHS