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Habit Movie Review

Vampires on a budget (!), only this time they're in color (unlike The Addiction) and glorious Pixelvision is nowhere in sight (unlike Nadja). Sam (Larry Fessenden) is an alcoholic, who isn't sure whether Anna (Meredith Snaider) is a vampire or not and is having too good a time with her in bed to give a hoot, one way or another. Ultra-cheap, but the cast is good and director Fessenden does what he can with his rock-bottom budget.

1997 112m/C Larry Fessenden, Meredith Snaider, Aaron Beall, Heather Woodbury, Patricia Coleman; D: Larry Fessenden; W: Larry Fessenden; C: Frank DeMarco; M: Geoffrey Kidde. Nominations: Independent Spirit Awards ‘98: Best Cinematography, Best Director (Fessenden). VHS

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